Hey. If you’ve stumbled upon this site, you’re reading the first in a series of entries regarding the day-to-day adventure that is my life. No, I’m no world traveler. I don’t do drugs. I’ve never been in a drag-out fight. But I have been places, seen things, thought about stuff. I love to write about human nature, or simply, I love to write. While I won’t divulge everything about myself in this first post, you’ll find that by subscribing to this blog, the following tidbits will be uncovered (in no specific order):
-The origin of the name ‘Funkylegs’ -The name, website, and label of the band I used to be in -The number of times my two dogs have each been to the ER -The nature of my dislike toward Harley-Davidsons -The results of my latest trailrunning event
Plus: Eating habits, CrackBerries, Rocks for Jocks, Monkey Arms, Bob, church camp girlfriends, and much, much more!
I started trailrunning in September 2005 to revive my spirit for the outdoors, after spending too many hours behind the mixing desk and eating poorly. Now, I just eat more and run more!